Corporate Social Responsibility Crop

Although, CSR is in our DNA, yet the Company believes that organizations depend for their survival, sustenance and growth on the communities of which they are an integral part and they must pay back this generosity in all the possible ways. Corporate social responsibility is the axis, around which the whole business model of the Company revolves. At SITARGANJ FIBERS LTD, we see ourselves at the forefront of making this planet a better place to live in for present and future generations.

We are committed to focus on inclusive growth and improving lives by contributing towards the society at large. For achieving its CSR objectives, the Company had established Ganesh Memorial Trust on 26.02.2015 with the mission “Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah Sarve Santu Nir-Aamayaah” i.e. It strives to benefit humanity through work in these three areas i.e. Education, Healthcare, Eradicating Hunger by supporting the communities in which we live and work. As part of that commitment, Trust appropriately serves patients in difficult financial circumstances by offering financial assistance to them. Above all, Trust’s guiding philosophy is that the needs of the Society come first.

What Trust does

In order to improve the quality of life and to provide the feeling of equality, the Trust conducted various community development programs. Programs undertaken by the Trust are as under:

Blanket Distribution:

In order to raise the standard of living and to protect the unprivileged people of villages around Kanpur Dehat, Rudrapur from chilling winters, the Trust distributed about 3500 blankets.

Swasth Rahen Sab, Swachta ho Jab, a Sanitation Program:

Trust believes that a healthy life comes from a healthy atmosphere. In view of this, the Trust, for the collection of garbage and to dispose it off at an appropriate place, provided 5(five) tricycle rickshaws to the villages of Kanpur Dehat (i.e. Pahadpur, Dhanjua, Bhatauli, Fatehpur Roshnai, Katra Ghanshyam).


Dispensary Establishment:

The trust with a view to promote preventive healthcare by providing free medical facilities to the villagers of nearby areas at village Temra, Tehsil Bilaspur Distt. Rampur located adjoining the factory of SITARGANJ FIBERS LTD Ecosphere Ltd., is going to establish a dispensary with all necessary infrastructure and equipments.